Friday, August 2, 2019

Jimmie's Sleep study

Along with all of Lee's medical issues I have become fatigued.  I complained to my doctor telling her I just always felt tired.  I did an over night pulse ox study and they felt that I needed a sleep study. I did my sleep study and it went well they explained it I had to many apnea episodes that they would come in and place a cpap,  I slept through the night and they did not come in and place a c-pap so I take that as I do not need one.  The tech said the doctors will look at all the information and let me know the results.  I sure hope I do not need a cpap but if it will make me feel better it would be worth it.  I was shocked at all the pre and leads that needed to be placed.  There were 2 leads on each leg, two cardiac leads, two bands that went around my rib cage, a nasal cannula that monitored my nose or mouth breathing, leads on my face and neck to monitor for teeth grinding, and multiple on my head to monitor REM cycle and brain activity.  I felt like I would could get cable TV with those wires.  I looked really pretty too.
When the tech came in that morning I did not feel like I had slept much but lights out was at 10 pm and the tech came in at 6 am I remember being awake for a while in the night.  The morning came and it was time to take all the wires off.  everywhere there was a lead I had a big red area I am allergic to most tape but it was necessary for the test.  I did not take a picture of the red areas but they were tender for a couple of days.  I am still waiting for the official report.  I will update when I know more.

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