Thursday, August 8, 2019

A Break and other things

On Monday August 5th I fell while caring things down the stairs.  I thought at first it was just a bad strain/sprain.  I decided to go into instacare to get it looked at.  After X-rays it was determined that I have a Talus fracture. 
 The instacare doctor sent me home with a boot and asked me to follow up with an orthopedic doctor.
When following up with the orthopedic doctor he confirmed it is a Talus fracture instructed me to wear the boot for 3 weeks and then follow up again.  Dr.Joos also said that I could return to work as long as I felt comfortable and that my boss was ok with me returning.  In 2012 when I broke my leg I wore the boot for 6 months after I returned to work.  I feel like I could work for 12 hours and be ok I may be sore but I will be ok.

Lee has a follow up at the liver clinic on August 7th Lee's labs showed he is dehydrated, he also has renal insufficiency. The plan going forward is encourage fluids and go to IV therapy and have 1 liter of fluids infused.  Lee will have weekly labs until his kidney function is better. Lee's current MELD score is a 23 but the previous was a 24 that score will be good for a month so it will stay there for a couple more weeks.
Lee also has an appointment for a new c-pap mask there are a ton of different options for masks out there.  They tried a few different masks for Lee and one that finally fit him perfectly.
Next up just weekly labs. I will update Meld score as I know them.  Lee needs lots of prayers for a liver his MELD is where he should be getting offers.

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