Monday, August 19, 2019

A few other happenings

We have many nieces and nephews but on my side of the family we only have one nephew.  We found out not long ago that his partner is pregnant.  We are super excited this will be my first great nephew on my side of the family.  Jesse (my nephew) also has a step daughter.  I am so excited to meet Jesse's partner Baylee and their daughter Lailahai. (I hope Jesse does not mind I stole his facebook pictures)
Also this past weekend we were able to spend the day with Kayleen, Joe, Joetta, and Kassidee.  They traveled down to watch Kass play soccer for Western Wyoming Community College.  Lee was not feeling well so we missed most of the soccor game but we enjoyed a nice dinner at sizzler with all of them before they headed home.  It was a good day to visit. We also got to check out Dilon's new car.  

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