Friday, August 16, 2019

Another call from Donor Connect

Last night while I was at work I got a call from Lee telling me that Donor connect called for him to go to Murray.  Luckily there were nurses on Call that could came take my patients. I ran home and made a quick call to Donor connect and they stated Lee needed to to be in Murray in the waiting room for a possible liver.  We got in the FJ and drove to Murray,  Lee was super anxious and so was I we arrived to the hospital at 8:30 pm and got a call that there was a delay.  At around 10:00 pm we got a call that said the liver was not viable.  The donor was a DCD donation after cardiac death donor.  After withdrawal from life support there is a limited time  that the organs are good if the heart does not stop beating within that time.   "The success of solid organ transplantation has brought about burgeoning waiting lists with insufficient donation rates and substantial waiting list mortality. All countries have strived to expand donor numbers beyond the standard Donation after Brain Death (DBD). This has lead to the utilization of Donation after Cardiac Death (DCD) donors, also frequently referred to as Non-Heart Beating Donors (NHBD). Organs from these donors inevitably sustain warm ischaemic damage which varies in its extent and affects early graft function as well as graft survival. As a consequence, 'non-vital' organs such as renal transplants have increased rapidly from DCD donors but more 'vital' organ transplants such as the liver have lagged behind. However, an increasing proportion of liver transplants are now derived from DCD donors. This article covers this expansion, current results, pitfalls, and steps taken to minimize complications and to improve outcome, and future developments that are likely to occur." Copyright © 2011 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lee and I are getting discouraged this was call number 6 from donor connect.  I know it is getting close but it is getting very discouraging.

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