Friday, May 3, 2019

Eye Surgery

On April 23rd Lee went in to have the cataract removed from his left eye,  we had to be there at 8 a.m. for you all that know us we are not morning people so that was our first struggle.  We arrived and got all ready for surgery and they put drops in Lee's eye to dilate it for surgery.  It was a little freaky.

Lee did fairly well through out surgery.  They just used mild sedation so Lee was fairly awake although does not remember the procedure.  Dr. Lloyd was the ocular surgeon he came in after Lee was in recovery and said it was one of the most interesting cases.  Lee just would not hold still. Lee is just not a sit still kind of guy he is always moving and often even taps his foot while he is sleeping.  The doctor said "it was like doing surgery on a roller coaster."  it may have been on a roller coaster but it was successful and all went well. 
Lee is happy with the outcome and is looking forward to getting the other eye done May 28th.  It will be good to have him be able to see well and be able to do a few things that he enjoyed before.  

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