Friday, May 3, 2019

New Liver or NOT

While we were traveling to Georgettas funeral on April 25th we received a phone call that Lee was now reactivated on the transplant list.  What a great thing to happen among such sorrow.  On May 1st we received a phone call that there was a offer for a liver for Lee.  We were just heading out to the movies so we turned around and headed to the hospital in Murray.  We got all checked in and ready for surgery.  All the test got done, chest xrays EKGs and the works.  While waiting I noticed Lee's tongue.  His newest obsession has been Popsicles. Apparently the last one he are before heading out was green like Kayleen said channeling his inner HULK.
Finally the time came to take Lee to the OR.  We were taken to pre-op holding the anesthesiologist came in and talked with us and laid out the plan.  We had asked for a blessing and the Elders showed up right before the surgeon arrived. When the surgeon arrived he deflated all hope.  He explained to us that the team that harvested the liver had cut the artery too short and had nicked it very close to the organ itself.  This made the liver damaged beyond repair.  In repairing it there would be a 80% chance at embolus and that would block blood flow to the liver and cause worse damage than his current liver and it was to high of a risk.   So we turned around and came back home.  Lee's sisters had a great response time. Thanks ever so much to Joetta and Jesse who dropped everything and headed out to the hospital.  Thank you to all our other family and friends that have sent prayers our way and positive messages we could not keep on this journey without all your love and support. 

1 comment:

  1. It just hurts my heart that the harvest surgeon did not do a better job.
