Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Murmur's are true

During Lee's last appointment on 7/15 we learned Lee has a heart murmur.  I cannot remember that he has ever been told this before.  Here is some info about heart murmurs from WebMD.
The "murmur" is the sound of blood flowing. It may be passing through a problem heart valve,  Or it may be that a condition makes your heart beat faster and forces your heart to handle more blood quicker than normal. Most are innocent and don't require any treatment. Some people are born with valve problems. Others get them as a part of aging or from other heart problems. Common conditions can make your heart beat faster and lead to heart murmurs. They can happen if you're pregnant, or if you have: Anemia, High blood pressure, Overactive Thyroid or Fever.
It is felt that Lee has a murmur because of his chronic anemia and is benign.  Lee usually runs quite low on his blood counts and needs blood every couple of months. 

I found a link that has heart murmur sounds audio:

There is nothing that we need to do for Lee's murmur the doctors will continue to watch it and make sure it is stable.  We hope that it will resolve on its own with the liver transplant and the anemia issues that are associated with it.  

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