Monday, July 15, 2019

Just another appointment

Lee had another appointment with the liver team today.  He seems to be doing alright.  Dr.Gilroy is ordering a MRI to be sure that Lee does not have any blood clots and to be sure the TIPS procedure is still functioning correctly.  Liver disease can cause blood clots in the liver. All in all fairly uneventful  Lee did get his labs drawn for a new MELD score. It is now a 19 unfortunately that is lower from the last score of 21.  Lee's coordinator told us that Lee is talked about in every IDT (interdisciplinary team) and the surgeons are hoping to get Lee a liver soon and he is listed to accept a hepatitis liver.  Following is exerts I found in the Salt Lake Tribune "Hepatitis C is a liver infection that can become a long-term, chronic infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that between 2.7 million and 3.9 million people in the U.S. have chronic hepatitis C. However,  Dr. Gilroy said, 98 percent of people can be cured of the infection. It also could mean an additional 600 livers available each year, Gilroy said. And that's a big deal: about 12,000 people are added to the wait list every year, but only 7,000 are taken off, according to an Intermountain news release.This creates a supply-and-demand disparity that results in about 1,500 people dying each year while waiting for a donated liver to become available for transplant," the release stated. Gilroy isn't sure if other places around the country are doing these kinds of transplants, but said Intermountain physicians are paying close attention to how these two patients react to the transplants."

After we came home I took our Sadie girl for a walk although it was hot outside one area where we walk has a large shade area at that time of day.  I think our girl misses her yard he enjoyed laying in the shady grass.

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