While they were looking for the bleed they dislodged his feeding tube, they were able to replace the tube but once again had to suture it to the bowel. During his stay he took a shower and flooded the shower room which is across from his room, so he flooded his room also. He did well and toward the end of his stay began to have tremors we all thought it was from the morphine he had received for a couple of days. Lee cane home on Halloween day. Although we enjoyed the trick-or-treaters, they made Sadie have a bad day.
October 3rd was just a bad day in general Lee's tremors were severe and his confusion was out of control. He had not slept the entire night and was up and down about every 15 minuets. This ran Linda ragged because I was at work and she was on night duty with Lee. I slept some of the day and then made the choice to bring Lee back to the ER at Utah Valley hospital. He was admitted for suspected infection and encephalopothy. While he was in the hospital he was not improving at all, he was admitted on Saturday November the 3rd and on Monday the 5th we convinced them to transfer him to Murray to be admitted to the liver team. They did another Paracentesis and ran a bunch of cultures of their own, the final verdict was sever dehydration and infection. After 12 hours of fluids Lee is more himself, still a little confused and some slight tremors but doing so much better. Today Linda and I were brave and rode the front-runner train it was actually really nice to be able to just sit and relax on our ride to the hospital.

The Plan from here is to send Lee home in the morning, his hydration level is improving and he is currently sleeping. I just have to tell you about a few things he did when he was so out of it, first the ugly, he was not very nice and it was usually directed to me. I love him and I know it was not him truly just the illness and encephalopothy. While in Provo he had a taped on Pulse ox monitor he kept asking the nurse for a pair of pliers to "get this damn thing off my finger" then he ripped it apart trying to get it off. Another time when he returned from a paracentesis he told the staff "they used a hammer and screwdriver to get the fluid out." Once we got him here to Murray his nurse said " I need to see your IV" Lee looked at her and said "ain't I Ivie enough" Linda and I were sitting on the couch laughing at him what a silly man. At one point I reached over and touched his arm Lee grabbed my hand and shoved it away and said "Sadie has a cold butt". Then a few minutes later I was sitting talking to him, he looked at me crinkled his nose and said "you have snake breath" I don't know what snake breath smells like but I didn't think I had bad breath. He also tried to tell the doctor that his name was Jimmie and I was Lee and that I was the one that was sick not him. Today he was laying in bed as I was updating this blog and he said Jimmie help I looked over and he had his SCD cord stuck between his toes. It is always something.
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