Saturday September 8th. Lee had many visitors in his ICU room, Joetta came down on Friday night to stay the weekend and hardly left his side, Bonnie can Saturday to and sat with him through the night. Donna and Jessie brought Lee's mom down for a visit and Dee and Jeri came to See him too. Lee remained intubated because he could not protect his airway and breathe on his own.
Sunday September 9th. Joetta and Bonnie had to go home today. Jessie came and sat with me through the day, I was so glad to have someone to talk to and not be alone, we did have a great slice of pizza in the cafeteria it has some yummy vegies it was a Ratatouille pizza. The Gastroenterologest came in and attempted to place a small bowel feeding tube (SBFT) assisted by the EGD scope. this was not successful the tube did not want to stay in place. The debate on this day was attempt again placing the SBFT with the scope, going to interventionial radiology for tube placement or placing a PEG or PEJ tube. The PEG/PEJ was ruled out due to the high risk for infection with his liver failure and ascities. They made a plan to attempt placement with the scope on Monday.
Monday September 10th: The Gastroenterology came in and placed the SBFT via scope, this was not an easy task they had to place 5 clips and a suture to keep the tube in place and to keep it from migration out of the small bowel. After the SBFT was placed the nurse started to wean the sedation, there was not a change in mental status with the sedation removal, Lee just did not want to wake up when speaking with the doctors they feel it is due to his encepalopothy Lee went several days without any of his liver medications and this caused the encepalopothy to be worse he was in a coma state at this point. September 13th Kayleen and Wyatt cane down to see visit, Wyatt stayed the night with his Uncle Dude Dude. September 14th Joetta came back with Kayleen and sat for the day. This was a good day for Lee they finally did a paracentesis and drained 6800 ml from his abdomen. We all went over to have lunch at noodle and company. When we arrived back to Lee's bedside he was a little more responsive and would only really respond to his Baby Bo. We did giggle a little about to pretty bow that was on his head holding the breathing tube in place.
After this Lee got better and better. On September the 16th Lee was finally awake and trying to communicate, he was able to get his feeding tube out and he was so happy. What a day to remember and to celebrate. Things can only get better from here.
September 17th Lee got up in the chair for the first time in two weeks, he was very weak and needed a ton of help he was so happy to get out of that bed, I can only imagine after two weeks in bed. Don't that look like a happy face.
Funny thing in Lee's ICU room this was the view from the window, we joked about this "no wonder Lee's not waking up".

I was so worn out from all the previous days that I finally took a nap one day while Lee was taking a nap, I fell asleep holding his hand through the bed rail and an hour later I woke up still holding that hand.
September the 21st was moving day Lee graduated from ICU life to life in the outside, he was moved back to the transplant floor and to my horror they pushed him right into the same room that he coded in. I was not comforted by this at all, the only plus was it is across from the nursing station. On September the 23rd Lee and I took a walk outside and sat by the water feature it was a nice day and Lee was having a good day.
September 25th 3 week exactly Lee was able to leave the hospital and got to Utah Valley hospital for in-patient rehab. Lee and I are very thankful for all the care he received at IMC from the shock/trauma ICU and T-10 the transplant floor, you will never really know how much I appreciate you all.
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