Lee Did so good in therapy, he worked hard each day and got stronger and stronger, he had some ups and downs needing several more paracentesis while he was there. All in all Lee was a rock star. He did have his silly moments, One day he was convinced his feeding tube was his head band and kept putting it on his head.

Lee received a new Picc line while in rehab they had such a hard time trying to get labs and IV in him. It drove him crazy flopping around so I found him some cool arm covers.

Bonnie, Ivy and Mattie came to see Lee one day, he enjoyed seeing they all and seeing Ivy's newest baby also.
Lee was discharged from Rehab on October 18th. He was doing super well with therapy and was tolerating the tube feeds. Linda Lee's sister made the trip from her home in Saint Johns Arizona to help me with Lee for a little while. I am forever thankful that she has been here with me to take over care when I have to work. Sadie has been Super happy to have Lee home too.
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