Monday, December 31, 2018

Ringing in the New Year

Christmas has come and gone and the New Year is fast approaching with that I wanted to send an update on the happening over the last week or so. 
12-26  the doctor that was placing the stent in Lees esopogus called and canceled the procedure, we have yet to find out exactly why because he went on vacation, this has been a frustration to Lee and I along with his liver team.  Apparently there was no documentation as to why it was cancelled.
12-27 Lee had a follow up appointment with the liver team, there were a couple of changes to his medications and a change to his tube feed formula.  Apparently his kidneys are unhappy with the medications and the tube feed.  Lee only has one kidney to start with as the other has atrophied they estimate as a child due to some injury.  With playing football and Rodeo there are two things that may be to blame. 
12-28 we got Lee in for a paracentesis where they removed 5 liters of fluid from his abdomen. The liver team also wanted him to have 1 liter of albumin so we went over to the IV therapy department for that to be done.I received a call later that evening from the Liver team stating that there was an elevated white count that indicated an infection.  I got the message late while I was at work so I went on Saturday to pick up the antibiotic.  Our usual pharmacy was closed so I had to call the liver team on-call line and have the prescription sent to Walgreens well let me tell you it was so busy I guess everyone filling their prescriptions before the end of the year and having new deductibles.  He started his antibiotics and on Sunday morning woke up with increased confusion, he did not have a fever but he felt like his skin was on fire and he had developed a rash on his hands and arms.  I called the liver team back and they wanted me to take Lee to the Emergency room in Murray from there he was admitted to the transplant floor for further workup.  Lee has been diagnosed with Sepsis and SBP.
*Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection. The body normally releases chemicals into the bloodstream to fight an infection. Sepsis occurs when the body's response to these chemicals is out of balance, triggering changes that can damage multiple organ systems. This morning they took Lee down for a paracentesis and drained 4400 ml of fluid off of his abdomen they wanted to run further labs on this fluid to see if there were any changes and to check what antibiotics he is susceptible to.
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is defined as an ascitic fluid infection without an evident intra-abdominal surgically treatable source. The presence of SBP, which almost always occurs in patients with cirrhosis and ascites, is suspected because of suggestive signs and symptoms, such as fever, abdominal pain, or altered mental status.
Lee is currently on Antibiotics and IV fluids they just restarted his tube feeding and his home medications. He is still quite confused and has full body tremors  these symptoms should clear up as the sepsis clears up.  Lees room has a good view of the hele pad and the mountains so at least there is one positive not.  The weather Sunday night was not the best and the drive home was a little scary but it is like riding a bike you remember what to do when the roads are slick even if you haven't driven in the snow for a while. 

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