Earlier today we received a call from Donor services. They were calling to put Lee on stand-by. Lee was the second in line for a donor liver. I received a call a call about 2:00. They informed me that I needed to be ready to get Lee to the hospital they would be calling me back around 5 p.m. to let me know the status of the liver. Here is the donor connect website if anyone is interested to know what there service provides. https://www.idslife.org/
That was a long 4 hours waiting for a phone call. Unfortunately when that phone call came it was to let us know the recipient ahead of Lee received the liver. We are hoping the third time will be the charmed one. I noticed a pattern the first Liver offer was May 1st, the second offer was June 1st and we can only hope the third offer will be July 1st and it will be the one that is perfect for Lee. No picture had to find a Meme.

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