Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving and a couple other things

While Lee was in the hospital my Friend Tabitha went on vacation to Japan  she brought us back a couple of things.  I got a cute patch for my jacket, a etched glass tradition house and some chop sticks.  She brought Lee a model of the battleship Yamato, and a model of a Japanese submarine. Lee loves all things about World War II.
Our Sadie was also sick one night she was totally restless I finally got her to go outside and she peed blood, I took her to the vet the next morning.  She had a really bad UTI, she was clear of any bladder stones. She just layed around for a couple of days and she was super unhappy at the vets office. 
Finally it was time for thanksgiving dinner,  it was a special day because we have so much to be thankful for this year.  We talked about Lees donor and all the blessing that have happened to us this year we have truly been blessed.  We love having Wyatt and Dilon with us for the holidays.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Family pictures

Cathy and Ed came for a visit we decided it was time for some family pictures.  We had fun with our masks and finding good locations for pictures. 
Lee and I have not had pictures together in a long time.  We had fun with all the poses and trying to get Sadie to comply.  Ed and Cathy had some great shots too.

We also went out for dinner.  The Strap tank in Springville was good just a little disappointed that the waitress added her own tip to our ticket when we placed a cash tip on the table.  It was a good visit it is always good to have family here.